Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Tales from the Attic: An Introduction & Terminator Captain.

Hello and Welcome to Tales from the Attic, In this section we will be reliving the figures and games from our past. We will be digging through our bit boxes and figure cases, getting dirty in the lofts and attics looking for those forgotten gems and asking "do they have a place in our hobby today?" and "is this still cool?"

First thing we are going to be looking at is a classic Citadel Miniature from the days of Rogue Trader it's the Terminator Captain figure from the late 80s.


This figure has some pretty nice detail that stands up to today's critical eye and considering that the figure is nearly 25 years old I think that should be commended.  The scabbard does have skulls all over it which today is a hallmark of Chaos weaponry but we can forgive that.  He also has what i think is one of my favourite terminator crux shoulder pads from that era. 

One small issue is that compared to his modern brothers he's a little challenged in the height department but this is a very common issue with  vintage miniatures.

As it's a vintage miniature, i thought i should keep the paint classic. For this i got hold of the Warhammer 40,000 Compendium Book which was Published in 1989  and found a colour scheme from a chapter close to my heart - The White Scars all be it an Apothecary  (page 31 if you're interested )

So what do we need to do to make him playable in the current version of the Grim Darkness, well not that much.  The figure is armed with contemporary weapons, a Storm Bolter and Power Fist, and ignoring the Grenade launcher and the Sword he should be slaying heretics in no time! 

All that would need to be done is change the base to 40mm and he's good to go. He's readily available from all well known auction sites and you can get him for your army or collection for less than his modern equivalent.

For me, he does still have a place in our hobby and he is most definitely still cool.

Give this old timer a go he deserves it!

Posted by Sero


  1. A 40 mm base would be a good idea at any rate. Those old metal termies tend to be a bit top-heavy - I still use the metal chaos termies from 2nd edition and found them to be on a much better footing when I put them on shiny new 40's...

    1. Good call over the balance. I am tempted to keep him on the small base and still add a 40mm which should help with the height issue.

